Driving Quality Improvements in UK Lung Cancer Care: UKLCC Conference

The care and earlier diagnosis of lung cancer patients is at a pivotal stage in the UK and the optimal pathway of care is becoming ever more complex and specialised. The pandemic knocked us severely ‘off course’ but the evidence is that we are getting back on track.

The UK Lung Cancer Coalition believes real quality improvement needs to take place across the UK to achieve a five-year survival rate of 25% by 2025. Critical to achieving this ambitious target will be the ability to:

  • Reduce inequalities of access to optimal and timely care
  • Achieve universal access to rapid genomic laboratory testing   
  • Rapid roll out of the ‘Lung Health Checks’ with transition into a National Screening programme

We therefore invite you to join us on 10 November 2023 in London for the UKLCC's first-ever major Conference. Registration is now open for this event.

The Conference will feature plenary presentations by key opinion leaders including Professor Mick Peake OBE, Professor Robert Rintoul, Dr Neal Navani, Dr Matt Evison, Professor Alastair Greystoke, Dr Craig Dyer and more. This one-day national conference promises to help identify the main elements currently limiting our ability to ensure best practice across the UK.

The meeting will use data from the most recent National Lung Cancer Audit as a backdrop to where some of the challenges lie and with interactive participation explore some of the ways these challenges can be overcome. The outputs of the conference will be written up and key recommendations developed.

This is a multidisciplinary event and we welcome representation from healthcare professionals including oncologists, respiratory physicians, cancer leads, thoracic surgeons, radiologists, lung cancer nurse specialists, pathologists, members of cancer alliances and devolved nation representatives and anyone involved in the management and delivery of care to people with lung cancer.

Please help us to share the news about this event with your networks. Please share the link below so you and your contacts can register their interest to receive further updates from UKLCC

Register now.

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